Architecture Philosophy – Volume 6, Number 1/2
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A new issue of Architecture Philosophy has been published! It presents keynote addresses by Sven-Olov Wallenstein, Chantal Mouffe, Kenneth Frampton, and Margareth Crawford, as well as a selection of papers presented at the 5th Biennial Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Architecture, dedicated to the topic of Public Space: the Real and the Ideal, which was organised by Hans Teerds together with André Patrão and Christoph Baumberger in the summer 2021. The issue thus explores various aspects of public space, ranging from the right to the city to the impact of architecture, and from the nature of public space to the nature of the protest movement in Hong Kong back in 2019, which are addressed from an architectural as well as philosophical perspective.
Contributions by Sven-Olov Wallenstein, Chantal Mouffe, Kenneth Frampton, Margaret Crawford, Saul Fisher, Erika Brandl, Esther Lorenz, Stella Evangelidou, Margit van Schaik, Andreea Mihalache, André Patrão, Hans Teerds, Christoph Baumberger and Tom Spector.