Forests in Zürich
Use, Perception and Laws of the Forests near the City of Zürich
Use, Perception and Laws of the Forests near the City of Zürich

Forests have always been an integral green common in our society and cities. Its uses, perception and laws have changed throughout history.
Before the eradication of predators like bears and wolves, the forests were seen as dangerous places. The forests in Zürich were used as a common-pool resource for producing wood, gathering, hunting and pastures. The increase in the population of the cities in the 17th and 18th centuries made wood production the primary driver of decisions. This increase in wood production resulted in deforestation of certain areas. Landowners started to create laws against this deforestation and for sustainable production of wood. The other uses of the common forests were often displaced. With the increase of population, the forest was made into a machine for wood production. Mostly evergreen trees like spruce were used, because of their fast growth.
In the 19th Century, different organizations around the appreciation of nature formed, including the „Verschönerungsverein Zürich“, which still exists today. These organizations have formed the perception of the forest – from a place for production to a place of beauty, leisure and relaxation. This shift in perception, combined with the damages of the industrial revolution, created the first federal laws about forestry in 1897. After this, the federal government had the right to the overall supervision of hydraulic construction and the forest police.
During the 20th century, the Verschönerungsverein was more and more replaced by the city of Zürich. Today, the forests in Zürich are more used as a park, for sport and leisure. They are less dense and have a greater variety of trees and plants once again.
Grossmann, Heinrich, and Ernst Krebs. 650 Jahre zürcherische Forstgeschichte. Zürich: [Oberforstamt des Kantons Zürich], 1965. Print.
Landolt, Elias. Bericht an den hohen schweizerischen Bundesrath über die Untersuchung der schweizerischen Hochgebirgswaldungen : vorgenommen in den Jahren 1858, 1859 und 1860. Bern: J. A. Weingart, 1862. Print.
Della Casa, Philippe; Irniger, Margrit; Schuler, Anton: “Wald”, in: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (HLS), Version vom 29.04.2015. Online:, konsultiert am 20.07.2021.
Image 1 –
Plan of the forest on the Käferberg
Eigentlicher Grund-Riss des Holzes im Käferberg
Müller Johannes, 1760, Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Shelf Mark: MK 253

Image 2 –
Monk making hay
Mönch beim Heuen. Miniatur aus dem Urbar von Rheinfelden, um 1415 (Österreichisches Staatsarchiv, Wien, HHStA HS B 132, Fol. 39r).

Save the forest
Plakat zur Debatte über das Waldsterben, Hans Erni, 1983, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, Plakatsammlung, ZhdK